
Reina and Reina - Writing Talk

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*This is a little something playing about in my thoughts of me and my story character of Reina Beaumont talking about our writing talents, it's not part of the main series, it's just something for me to play with*

Reina Beaumont ~ Who taught you how to write?

Reina Watt ~  No one, why?

RB ~   No one?  Oh come on, someone must have taught you, this stuff is great!

RW ~  It's nothing, really, just basic stuff.

RB ~  Basic stuff?  BASIC?!  I've been writing for centuries and I am nowhere near this good, even with applying myself to it!  So who taught you?

RW ~  Like I said, no one, it just happens.  I put pencil to paper, or rather fingers to keyboard, and when my heart wants to write, then it writes.  I was never taught, like I said, it just happens when it wants to happen.

RB ~ If that's true, then why haven't you gotten published?  You could probably make a fortune.

RW ~ My work is…complicated, I don't even know if people even like my work or if they're just being too polite to tell me that it's rubbish.

RB ~ Okay, there is that to consider.  There are a lot of people in the world who are generally too unwilling to simply speak their minds, so they lie through their back teeth.  But this is extremely good work, you clearly have a gift for the written word.

RW ~ I doubt it, it's only words.

RB ~ Words can say more than a picture if the words are beautiful enough, and these words are beautiful.

RW ~ I'm sure you are a lot better than I am at writing, you've had long enough to practice and improve.

RB ~ That may be the case, but you have a richer grasp of it while I just write from my emotions.  You write from somewhere much deeper, somewhere that you hide away from the world when you aren't writing.  Surely people have told you before that you are a skilled and gifted writer.

RW ~ Some, although it is hard to tell since many who maybe read my work never let me know what they think of it.  I'm sure that most just skim the title and first paragraph, then don't bother to read the rest.

RB ~ Well you have a gift for it, a natural gift.  A writing form like this usually comes along with a writing school and a great deal of teaching or a lot of support.  Very few can have such a natural grasp of words and the form to put emotion and such passion into those words.

RW ~ Maybe, but I don't have an ego so I am unable to feel anything for my work other than contempt and a determination to keep improving.

RB ~ You should embrace your gift.

RW ~ You are the result of that gift, you came to existence because I saw you in my mind of the woman I was meant to be in appearance.  You grew and developed from my fear of continuing to live while trapped in a body that is not me, you grew and developed from my longing to die and be free of this living hell of a male body.

RB ~ The male body is not you, and it sure as hell isn't me.  Not with these bouncers on my chest.  The male body is just a shell that holds the real you within, and when the real you comes out then beauty appears, okay you aren't exactly like some celebrity or some super model, but you have a beauty that shows in your words.

RW ~ You make me sound to be perfect, I am not perfect.  I am a shadow locked within a birth defect that is suffocating me each and every day.

RB ~ No one is perfect, if they were they would be boring beyond all reason.  It's the imperfections that make us truly unique.

RW ~ Perfection is an illusion created by fools who seek a delusion of order in the harmony of chaos that is life.

RB ~ And there you go again with the grasp of words, you have talent and you should embrace that talent.

RW ~ Not likely, I can not allow an ego to form, if it does then you could cease to exist and I can't allow that to happen.  You helped me to find myself.

RB~ And you gave me life in a time when you were giving up on life.

RW ~ I can never be a parent, at least in a biological sense, but you are still my daughter and I am determined to make sure that you can live through the words that come from my heart.

RB ~ It makes a fair change you know, to be born from words instead of a loving couple having a tumble and popping out a baby nine months later.

RW ~ Well I did write out your parents, although admittedly I didn't give them much detail.

RB ~ You will, when the time is right.  You always do.

RW ~ Maybe.  So are we done?

RB ~ We're done, for now.  Now I must raid the fridge and pig out on chocolate!  My chocoholic tendencies need me!  AWAY!

RW ~ Maybe I should have made you crazy for carrots instead of chocolate!  It would be healthier for you!

*Recording ends while many brave chocolate bars meet their brutal end*
This is just a small something that popped into my thoughts. I have been told several times that I am an amazing writer, something I find hard to believe since my writing is...well not exactly what you would call normal when you consider the nature of my writing.

The thought of Reina Beaumont talking to me about my writing skill popped into my thoughts then.

Bear in mind that I have no ego, I always look down on my work and I am my own worst critic. I simply write from my heart and I have had no training nor aid in being a writer.
I simply write.

And yes, many chocolate bars were likely slaughtered by Reina Beaumont when and after this was created.
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lazycat1984's avatar
Good stuff! Saw you in Star Trek! ;)